“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” - William Shakespeare
No one can predict the future. I don’t mean what’s going to happen before the end of 2022, or even 2024 for that matter. What I mean is 10 years in the future and beyond. That seems like such a long time from now but, it really isn’t. Without giving too much away, my own pups will only have been adults for a few years. I, myself, will probably be ready for a first official mid-life crisis about that time. I can say things now like, “I’m going to be a multi-millionaire by 2032,” but there’s no way to know that for sure. Too many things can happen between now and then for there to be any reliable prediction for things to come. To be honest, the same could be applied to the end of 2022. Things happen and we simply have no control over them.
There’s one thing we can control though. Ourselves.
We are the ultimate manifester of our own destinies. We control what we do, what we say, how we react, and when we sell. Anything outside of that is relying on others and why do that if you have no control over what they do? When I started buying SHIB, or more appropriately when I started learning about crypto market cycles because of SHIB, I told myself I wouldn’t sell anything for the next 5 years or more. And nothing has changed that.
To tell you the truth, having that plan kind of makes me impervious to this current bearish trend. I don’t look at the price except when I’m recording it for the newsletter. Why would I? It’s not like the price moving down is going to make me sell and it’s not like the price moving up a bit is going to make me sell either. I have a plan, and I will see it through to the end.
It’s no secret that the more people that buy SHIB, the higher the price will go. More appropriately, the more SHIB that’s removed from circulation and in wallets, the less there is on the market, the more valued it will become. For projects that show growth and development, such as SHIB, it’s a patience game. This current trend we’re in will seem insignificant by 2024. We’re creating the floor right now, and we’ve only just begun setting rebar. Solid foundations breed solid buildings and right now SHIB has one of the strongest.
Take a look at any of the big tokens from when they started, and you’ll see exactly what I mean about patience. The one’s willing to wait the longest are the ones that will see the highest return on investment.
Honestly, you don’t even have to look at the other tokens. Consider our regular everyday lives 10 years ago. The iPhone 5 was the newest and sleekest model. Some thought the world was going to end. So much so there’s a movie about it. Windows 8 was released. The thinnest notebook was Acer’s Aspire S5 at 0.6” thickness. Oh yeah, one more thing, BITCOIN CLOSED THE YEAR AT $13.45! That’s not even the crazy part. It was up 185% from $4.72 at the beginning of the year!
All, I’m saying is we don’t know what life will be like in 2032. Someone could be writing a newsletter about SIFL-SHIF Token and explaining how SHIB was “$0.00002165 back in 2022” for all we know. There is one thing I know for sure, though.
I’ll still be holding.
With all that in mind, this week I want to discuss the future. Specifically, I want to discuss why I think NFTs are the future. Not as art, but the future of business and finance. If you’ve always felt like NFTs were a fad, please allow me to try to change your mind. I don’t think you need to run out and buy a bunch of NFTs when you’re done. Just trust me, give the Shiba In-University section a read and let me know what you think. We’ll also take a journey through the StarLink Metaverse and their token STARL. We’re still waiting on answers so, as usual, a few spicy questions for the SHIB dev team about Shibarium. Lastly, we get some Shiba In-News updates. One of them is even an update about a potential future update.
Apologies again, for the late issue. Thank you for understanding and thank you for your continued support.